共為你找到:200筆we get married 喜帖 相關企業資訊
Winic corporation was established in 1987, we manufacture a wide range products at our own factories here in Taiwan and control the manufacturing and the supply. In twenty years, we kept developing new items and show them up in the market. To offer the more competitive price of the products, we get them make in China and the quality of the products all fit to the clients inquiry as well. The ROHS products for environmental protection are the major emphasis we have engaged in recently. Our products are in four categories.(For more details, please surf on our website: http://www.winic.com) 1. PCI and PCI express Add-On Card Products. 2. USB 2.0 and IEEE 1394 Products. 3. PCMCIA and PCMCIA express/Card bus Products. 4. Cable Accessories. We are expected to design and research new items to satisfy all customers and markets requirements in the future. Winic provides the most competitive USB Cable and Ethernet Cable for clients, hence they returned more profits. You will get more returns; just place the orders with Winic! Our company is ISO9001 certified, and we welcome OEM and ODM orders and also develop new products as you need.
鼎泰豐喜帖行位於新竹市北區,營業登記地址:新竹市北區台溪里中山路447號1樓,鼎泰豐喜帖行的統一編號:10040831,營業稅籍分類屬於:文具零售,鼎泰豐喜帖行的負責人是洪◯治,資本額:300,000元,商業司營業登記狀態:核准設立 。 鼎泰豐喜帖行的地址位於
煒宸喜帖行位於台中市北屯區,營業登記地址:台中市北屯區平興里平興街77號1樓,煒宸喜帖行的統一編號:26812762,營業稅籍分類屬於:書籍、雜誌零售,煒宸喜帖行的負責人是洪◯輝,資本額:50,000元,商業司營業登記狀態:核准設立 。 煒宸喜帖行的地址位於
永發喜帖燙金社位於基隆市信義區,營業登記地址:基隆市信義區仁壽里義五路13巷6號1樓,永發喜帖燙金社的統一編號:81805273,營業稅籍分類屬於:電腦排版、照相排版、印刷排版,永發喜帖燙金社的負責人是陳◯新,資本額:30,000元,商業司營業登記狀態:核准設立 。 永發喜帖燙金社的地址位於
圓緣幸福喜帖有限公司位於新北市蘆洲區,營業登記地址:新北市蘆洲區民族路422巷48弄20號6樓,圓緣幸福喜帖有限公司的統一編號:42705120,,資本額:500,000元。 圓緣幸福喜帖有限公司的地址位於
Like Rotisserie Roast chicken? we got it! like other yummy stuff to go with it? Ha! got that too.Papa Poulet is a take away rostisserie located in Tienmu ,next to Shr Dong Market. We offer an advanced ordering system, simply call up , place your order and pick up at your chosen time. Our full menu can be found here in the photos below. We are open from Tuesday to Sunday 11.30am-8pm, but closed in the afternoon from 2-3:30pm To get there take the MRT to ZhiShan station then the free Tagashimaya shuttle bus to Tagashimaya. We are one block behind Mr Doughnut
The story of Eddy’s Cantina Back in the old country Mario and Rosa Gonzalez the young newly weds of Guadalajara had their first born child (a girl named Irlanda) and then immigrated to Canada. Shortly after in the small town of Kitimat B.C. Canada Eddy and younger brother Kyle were born. Since childhood Mario and Rosa taught the children the secrets of cooking Mexican food that were taught to them by their parents. Some time later Eddy moved to Taipei where he met his soon to be wife Jo Tzeng. After they married Jo mentioned that her dream was to open a small eatery or coffee shop because she was really a people person. The couple agreed but Eddy insisted that everything should be Mexican so they decided to open a burrito stand to first see how people would react to Mexican food in Taiwan,they called it Eddy Burrito. 10 months flew by and the couple decided to move to a nearbylocation where they could offer customers decent food at a decent price in a decent atmosphere. Eddy’s Cantina was born. Now the couple runs the small restaurant where customers can come and get Mexican food and Mexican Drinks at reasonable prices. 我們的故事 從前一對來自墨西哥瓜達拉哈拉的新婚夫妻—馬力歐(Mario)和羅莎(Rosa),他們育有一個可愛的女兒叫愛爾蓮達(Irlanda)艾迪的媽媽,隨後移民到加拿大。多年後,在加拿大的一個小鎮Kitimat,艾迪和弟弟凱爾(Kyle)誕生了。艾迪和凱爾小時候父母就開始傳授他們的墨西哥菜家傳食譜,就如他們的祖父母曾經傳授給他們父母一樣。 後來艾迪在台灣遇見了他的妻子Jo。Jo曾經對艾迪說過,因為她是一個好客的人,所以夢想可以開一家餐廳或咖啡廳。艾迪希望能夠以墨西哥菜為主題,所以為了想要進一步了解台灣人對墨西哥菜的反應,他們在淡水老街,從一個賣墨西哥捲餅的攤子做起,這個小攤子就叫做『艾迪捲餅』(Eddy Burrito)。 就這樣十個月過了,他們決定找個好一點的地方,提供給顧客更好的用餐環境跟品質,於是在附近開了這家小餐廳,以最平實的價格,提供大家最道地的墨西哥餐飲;『艾迪墨西哥餐廳』就此誕生。
我們(WE)是一群 熱愛服務 以及 技術本位 的設計師群所組合而成,我們希望帶給客戶輕鬆的氛圍與我們熱情的服務,針對適合顧客不同形象的造型,從改變形象到表現自我,展現具有獨特的自我魅力。 當髮型不再是個型狀,而是充滿意識型態的 藝術 與 生活化 的整理技巧,就是we全新的技術氛圍。全店全系列使用日本資生堂、桑多利、德國施華蔻、西班牙萊肯等產品,優雅高尚的品質,專業的技術及貼心的服務;引導顧客走向時尚的新趨勢,歡迎您的加入!
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